
Product ID eD543

A Field of Zinnias
E Tutorial

  • Details

Zinnias are ambassadors of summer!  They are popular in our neck of the woods because they grow regardless of weather rain, very hot temperatures, pounding thunderstorms, etc.  Every color in the rainbow is represented.  These flowers were dancing in the breeze in my neighbor's garden last summer.  There is nothing like fresh flowers to inspire happy thoughts and new ideas.  

This digital download contains: 

  • Instructions
  • Color Photo(s)
  • Line Drawing
  • Color Placement Map(s)
  • Color Swatches

Cheri uses a limited number of colors and a combination of Oils and Alkyds that results in most colors drying overnight. However, you may use any medium you choose.

A PDF will be delivered upon completed purchase. Please be sure to return from PayPal to the download page. The download link is also in your RolStudio customer receipt. Save the PDF to your hard drive or device.

Price: $19.50
27.12 CAD 15.06 GBP 18.10 EUR